Sunday, April 1, 2012

Neil Gaiman must be writing because he hasn't been blogging lately. I, unfortunately, have NOT been writing. I just have been shamefully neglecting this blog and its....2 followers...if that. I am not sure if I have posted this blog anywhere. Maybe if I did, I might write a bit.

The 'indentured servitude' goes well. They love me at habitat for humanity and I am hoping that it will pan out to a part-time position. It would be nice to have a part-time or full-time job that is meaningful.

Tuesday, I am required to go to a job club that meets once a week. This better be worth it. I really don't fancy going to Morristown every week and finding parking for something that is lame.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Constant Gardener

Watching the Constant Gardener. This put ideas in my head about going to Africa and righting the wrongs of injustice. Of course, I would get about two feet down the runaway in Africa and probably pass out from heat with my asthma. Sometimes I wish I joined the peace corp when I was young and healthy...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Still not writing yet.

Sometimes I am hollow like an old sea shell with old grit and stale sand inside. I don't know where my words have gone but I am hopeful that, one day they will. Probably in a staggering rush, a flood of words.

Right now, there are mourning doves outside my window feeding at the seeds I have scattered in the four directions. The squirrels have been feasting like little bandits from the feeder and this mild winter has got me in a mood to plant. The snow drops are out already and I wish that it were fall or spring so that there could be planting to do.

In other news, my baby is finish and ready to be shipped to me from England. They asked me for a birth date and I said to give her birthday as February 2 - Imbolc - I have to think of a name for her now. I have a little trunk that I am making into a cradle for her.

Tried making cables today. Didn't work. Hopefully, the knitting circle I petitioned will allow me to come and learn with them.


Tuesday, January 31, 2012


This is my first post here. This blog will be a place where I can write and post my knitting/sewing projects. At this moment in time, I am in the middle of looking for work -- I had to leave my last job for medical reasons -- and trying to live a writer's life. I am a graphic designer by trade and I am currently going for my bachelor's in web and multimedia design. At the moment, the class I am taking is College Level Algebra. For the next 6 weeks I will under go torture in the extreme as I try to plod my way though mathematics. I have several learning disorders as well, so this class should turn out to be darkest level of hell there is.